With a focus on efficiency and quality, we are committed to delivering exceptional results for our clients. With a proven track record of success, we offer tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of your business. With expert guidance and unparalleled support, we’ll take your project management to the next level.

Our Services


Project Management

Ensuring that your projects not only meet but exceed expectations


Management Systems

Guiding customers through Company Management and Information Security Management Systems


Business Continuity

Ensure seamless operations and resilience in the face of unforeseen disruptions



Establishment and optimization of Project Management Offices (PMOs) to enhance project efficiency and strategic alignment


Change Management

Facilitating smooth transitions and fostering organizational resilience in the face of change


Training & Support

A thorough theoretical foundation to seamlessly transition into our hands-on support

Plan ahead for the Game

EM Consulting plays a pivotal role in guiding companies towards compliance with the DORA Act (Digital Operational Resilience Act) of the European Union, offering expert assistance in navigating the regulatory landscape. Additionally, the firm excels in providing comprehensive guidance towards achieving certifications such as ISO 9001, ISO 27001, and ISO 22301.

Who Trusted Us


Reduce Time, Produce Deliverables

EM Consulting distinguishes itself by mastering both agile and waterfall methodologies, providing professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate and implement these approaches effectively. With a commitment to staying ahead of industry trends, we ensure clients are well-prepared to address the challenges of the evolving business environment.

Want to know More?

Reduce Time, Produce Deliverables

EM Consulting distinguishes itself by mastering both agile and waterfall methodologies, providing professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate and implement these approaches effectively. With a commitment to staying ahead of industry trends, we ensure clients are well-prepared to address the challenges of the evolving business environment.

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